Find out more (FAQs)
What is this research about?
We are seeking healthy adults (age 18-69) to help us understand open goals and physical activity by monitoring your step count for a year while having discussions with researchers and answering surveys about your goal setting practice.
Open goals are non-specific (for example, “| will see how many steps | can reach today”) compared to specific goals (“I will reach 10,000 steps today”).
We aim to answer:
(1) how open goals work;
(2) for whom open goals are most and least beneficial;
(3) when open goals are beneficial; and
(4) what the long-term outcomes of open goals are.
What does this research involve?
Meet with researchers online for two initial meetings, where we will set you up with a physical activity tracking and survey app.
We will also interview you about your previous experience with physical activity and goal setting (~60-90 minutes across the two sessions).
Track your step count over 12 months through an app on your mobile phone, and you will have the option to meet online with a researcher fortnightly for the first 6 months to discuss your goals (~30 minutes a fortnight beginning at week 2).
Complete weekly surveys using the same physical activity tracking app about your feelings and perceptions of physical activity and your goals (~15 minutes per week).
Meet with researchers online for a follow-up meeting after 12 months, where you will complete the same surveys as in the initial meeting and complete an interview about your overall experience of the program (~60 minutes).
Attend optional online follow-up meetings with a researcher 1- and 2- years after the conclusion of the initial 12 months where you will complete the same surveys as in the initial meeting and complete an interview about your use of open goals and physical activity habits since the conclusion of the study.
What are the risks associated with this research?
This research has been assessed as low risk. First, you will be required to spend time completing the questionnaires and interviews.
Second, as part of a self-paced step program, you may experience muscle soreness and/or dehydration due to increasing physical activity and participating in exercise.
Third, you may have an increased risk of falling or injury due to participating in more physical activity/exercise.
However, the step program is designed so that you can stop and rest at any time, you decide how many steps you would like to take on a given day and when.
You will be given guidance on muscle soreness management (e.g., strategies for resting, recovery, and stretching) and, upon request, contact details for sports massage therapists and Accredited Exercise Physiologists.
You will be provided with tips on safe walking/exercise considerations for an outdoor environment, as well as useful safety protocols to follow if you ever feel unwell.
You will have optional fortnightly check-in the first 6 months with a researcher, who can help guide you.
If you ever do feel unwell or become injured while walking, please contact the researcher right away.
Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may withdraw from it at any time by informing a research team member of your decision.
You will have the option to withdraw any data that you have provided to that point.
The decision not to participate, or to withdraw from the study, will not affect any current or future relationship with Southern Cross University.
What are the benefits of participating in this research?
This study is expected to have several benefits including improved physical and mental health by increasing your physical activity levels. Further, by participating in this intervention, you will be supported in the first six months of your physical activity journey and receive guidance on goal-setting.
What are our responsibilities to you?
Your privacy and confidentiality will be protected.
All participant data is collected via digital forms or device sensors within an app or through interviews recorded via Zoom/Teams.
The data collected through the app on your phone is compliant with higher education information security and data protection and applies industry best practice to store and manage all user data.
All your data will be de-identified and only group data reported.
What is the likelihood and form of dissemination of the research results including publication?
Findings from the study will be published in academic journals in psychology, sport and health. Findings may also be presented at conferences, discussed in media articles, and included in dissertations/theses.
All data collected in this project will be stored safely and securely at Southern Cross University for a minimum of 5 years after publication.